
Forensic Accounting

Company fraud, employee theft and commercial disputes are on the rise in these challenging times. William Buck Perth’s experienced forensic accountants and dispute resolution professionals can assist you.

Technical excellence is always a key outcome and to achieve this we draw upon the expertise of specialists from within our company as well as an international network of accomplished professionals.

William Buck has had significant experience in fraud, forensic and dispute related matters. We can provide strategic and commercial advice and guidance to pragmatically resolve your dispute.

Book my free one hour consultation

changing life text

Some of the services we provide are:

Tick Fraud investigation
Tick Independent expert witness
Tick Financial analysis
Tick Family law investigations
Tick Strategic dispute resolution advice
Tick Commercial dispute resolution
Tick Employee theft
Tick Cash skimming
Tick Contract fraud (bogus suppliers)
Tick Credit card theft


Giving expert evidence in litigation and mediation proceedings

Unravelling and explaining complex financial transactions

Investigation, documentation and qualification of loss in fraud cases

Preparing forensic reports in family law matters

Book your free one hour consultation.