New Zealand


Have you got an hour to spend focusing on your practice?


We believe that one hour can make a difference; The William Buck Hour. 


What is the William Buck Health Hour?


The William Buck Health Hour is a structured framework based on our knowledge derived from working with medical practitioners. Essentially, it is an approach by which we assess a practice across key fundamentals and provide a diagnostic analysis in, as the name suggests, one hour.


How does it work? 


We will conduct an informal one hour meeting with you and your practice manager at which time we ask questions about your practice within the context of the key fundamentals. At the end of the hour we will produce a report based upon these fundamentals highlighting any opportunities or areas of concern.
How does The William Buck Health Hour benefit you? 


The benefit of The William Buck Health Hour varies from practice to practice depending on your particular needs. In our experience a William Buck Health Hour session will typically:


— Provide interesting, independent and easy to use observations about your practice

— Provide invaluable insights into one or more particular areas

— Highlight danger areas where attention may be required

— Provide comfort by offering independent confirmation of your practice’s existing strengths


For more information, or to book your FREE William Buck Health Hour please get in touch. Â