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Investor Dispute Services

Whether a business, a property syndicate or some other type of investment, multiple investors may join together to share capital appreciation and profits from the venture. Unfortunately, these situations may turn sour and lead to disputes, especially when fuelled by directors and shareholders’ differing views, divergent interests, or fraudulent behaviour.

William Buck can help, by providing a range of services including; identifying issues such as minority shareholder oppression, corporation’s law breaches and the abuse of position by directors. This may include identifying potentially fraudulent transactions. We work with clients to ensure that their rights as shareholders or investors have been respected and, that directors and officers are exercising their powers and conducting their duties with care, diligence and honesty. We work with the appropriate legal advisors and the client to facilitate the relevant action required to enable a speedy and satisfactory settlement without the need for expensive legal action. We assist clients in choosing the appropriate legal firm.

Our team of professionals can help by providing strategic advice, commercial analysis and client communications to assist with the dispute process and develop appropriate strategies to help parties reach mutually agreeable solutions.

So whether you need help to resolve a dispute in a property syndicate, share investment or business venture, the team at William Buck can work with you and your fellow investors to find a way forward.

Book my free one hour consultation

changing life text

Some of the services we provide are:

Tick Minority shareholder oppression
Tick Strategic advice
Tick Corporation’s law breaches by directors and officers
Tick Commercial analysis
Tick Abuse of position by directors
Tick Commercial dispute resolution
Tick Shareholder and investor rights

Book your free one hour consultation.