
We’re more than just accountants, we’re specialist advisors to the medical industry.

Each office across William Buck has a dedicated team that specialises in the health industry. Working with over 1,800 clients across Australia, our advisors help practitioners and health care corporates achieve their business and personal goals.

While we can assist in many ways, we recognise that to really help our health clients we need to understand more than just the tax laws and regulations.  We need to immerse ourselves in the industry.  As active industry participants, we provide seminars and educational courses for practitioners, host round table lunches connecting industry leaders with regulators and innovators in the market, and work with our clients to ensure their needs are represented.


360 Degree Support

Bringing together advisors from Business Advisory, Wealth Advisory, Tax and Superannuation; our team works seamlessly behind the scenes to ensure that careful consideration is given to all areas of your business or practice and personal financial affairs.

Accessibility to our advisors and the timely response to your questions are what we are known for. And, as your circumstances change, our advice will continuously adapt to your evolving needs.

The hands-on approach and accessibility of our advisors ensures that you receive 360 degree support at all times.

How we can help

With deep industry knowledge and expertise, we’re recognised as the go-to accountants and advisors for the medical industry and can help you to achieve your business and personal goals. We can assist with:

  • General tax compliance (tax returns, financials, BAS), bookkeeping including payroll and State and Federal tax reviews and audits
  • Strategic planning; practice establishment, benchmarking and structuring
  • Wealth management, and much more.

Who we serve

We work with over 1800 medical industry clients in Australia, with our core health client base including General Practitioners, Specialists and Dentists.

We are strong advocates for the industry and host educational workshops in partnership with the RACGP and other partners, and webinars with CommBank, exploring its GP and Dental Insights reports.

Recognised as some of the leading spokespeople on industry matters, our health services team often presents at conferences and provide media commentary on issues impacting the industry.

FAQs for medical professionals

Our advisors have compiled a series of short videos to answer frequent questions regarding:

  • Structuring your medical practice
  • What you’re entitled to claim at tax time
  • Taxing equipment finance
  • Practice valuations
  • Purchasing your first home
  • Preventing employee fraud, and more.

View more >


GP Insights Report 2023
The CommBank 2023 GP Insights Report examines how practices are responding to the operational, financial, and patient-led forces that are reshaping primary care.

Dental Insights Report
CommBank Health and the Australian Dental Association’s report examines how practices are responding to the industry’s top challenges in pursuit of a competitive edge.

Latest insights from our Health team

Year-end tax planning considerations for medical practitioners
29 May 2024 | Minutes to read: 2

Year-end tax planning considerations for medical practitioners

With the end of financial year (EOFY) just around the corner, it’s not too late to start...
How planning an exit from ownership can help practice owners
16 April 2024 | Minutes to read: 2

How planning an exit from ownership can help practice owners

As a practice owner, it can be hard to know when to sell your practice. The reality...
Review your contracting arrangements for practice owners
29 March 2024 | Minutes to read: 2

Review your contracting arrangements for practice owners

It has been common over many years for medical practices to engage practitioners on what has been...
What can I claim if I travel?
23 March 2024 | Minutes to read: 2

What can I claim if I travel?

Have you ever wondered if you can claim tax deductions for your travel expenses for a recent...
Payroll tax for medical practices: a state-by-state analysis
15 March 2024 | Minutes to read: 2

Payroll tax for medical practices: a state-by-state analysis

The payroll tax debate and its impact on General Practices continues. Several Australian state revenue offices released...
Navigating succession planning: key considerations for taking on a partner in your medical practice
12 December 2023 | Minutes to read: 2

Navigating succession planning: key considerations for taking on a partner in your medical practice

It’s a common scenario, you've been running a successful practice for many years and are starting to...

Explore other industries


A diverse industry that contributes significantly to Australia’s economy, Agribusiness is up against an increasing number of challenges to operating profitably. We can help you navigate the impacts of shifting tax legislating, a fluctuating economy and variable commodity prices to reach results at each stage of your business’ lifecycle.


New Zealand’s ever-changing and competitive education sector is experiencing a period of both growth and disruption. New service models emerged throughout the pandemic along with changing demands from parents and students. Our experienced advisors can assist you to meet these demands and leverage opportunities for expansion both here and internationally.


Increased accountability, competing stakeholder needs and restricted budgets are just some of the demands faced by government entities today.

Hospitality & Tourism

Acute workforce shortages and unstable supply chains continue to threaten our hospitality and tourism industries, which bore the brunt of Australia’s response to the pandemic. Nevertheless, the sectors are demonstrating considerable resilience and face a prosperous future as borders reopen and consumer confidence improves.


Government incentives, industry reforms and the emergence of Advanced Manufacturing are all driving a revived manufacturing industry with vast opportunities. Meanwhile, an increasing number of industry associations aim to support the sector by boosting productivity, improving competitiveness and enhancing sustainability.

Mining & Energy

Located on the doorstep of growing populations and emerging economies, with diverse and abundant mineral and energy reserves and a skilled workforce, Australia is poised to benefit from the rising international demand for resources through continued inbound investment and cross-border opportunities in the sector.

Not for Profit

Good corporate governance, flexibility and an understanding of changing regulatory requirements are the keys to success in Australia’s purpose-driven not for profit sector. Highly collaborative organisations work with government entities and private businesses to make long lasting impact and deliver for Australians.

Professional Services

A strong and emerging industry in Australia, professional services practitioners operate in franchising, legal and accounting, advertising, engineering, business consulting and many more. Key concerns for the sector are skilled workforce shortages, staff retention and changing regulations.

Property & Construction

As your property specialists, We’re here to help you lay a solid foundation by structuring your project in a commercially attractive manner while managing your tax position to maximise project return. Our scalable solution means you can engage us for a specific part of your development or the entire project.

Retail & Wholesale

Largely consisting of SME businesses, Australia’s highly competitive retail and wholesale industry attracts players from many overseas markets. While the pandemic had markedly different impacts on the various subsectors of the industry, eCommerce benefitted from the temporary shutdown of physical stores and increased online shopping – a trend which has continued.


Fast growing and aspirational, Australia’s tech sector is currently the third highest contributor to gross domestic product and employs over half a million people. William Buck has significant experience assisting SaaS companies and other tech subsectors to scale, raise capital, identify growth opportunities in transactions and manage divestment mandates.

Transport & Distribution

While previously segregated into several subsectors, the industry is increasingly integrated and employs over half a million people across the country. With new technology including automation shaping the industry, new and emerging skills and business processes are required.