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Australian Capital Territory


Canberra office
The Burns Centre
Unit 1/28 National Circuit
Forrest ACT 2603
T +61 2 6126 8500
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New South Wales


Sydney office
Level 29
66 Goulburn Street
Sydney NSW 2000
T +61 2 8263 4000
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Parramatta office
Level 7
3 Horwood Place
Parramatta NSW 2150
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Melbourne office
Level 20
181 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
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T +61 3 9824 8555



Brisbane office
Level 22
307 Queen Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
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GPO Box 563 
Brisbane QLD 4001
T +61 7 3229 5100
F +61 7 3221 6027

Gold Coast office
Wyndham Corporate Centre
Suite 8A, Level 8, 1 Corporate Court

Bundall QLD 4217
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T +61 7 5574 0922
F +61 7 5574 0632

Western Australia


Perth office
Level 3
15 Labouchere Road
South Perth WA 6151
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PO Box 748
South Perth WA 6951
T +61 8 6436 2888
F +61 8 6436 2889

South Australia


Adelaide office
Level 6
211 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA  5000
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GPO Box 11050
Adelaide SA 5001
+61 8 8409 4333
F +61 8 8409 4499

New Zealand


Auckland office
Physical address:

Level 4
21 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
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Postal address:
PO Box 106 090

Auckland 1143
New Zealand

T +64 9 366 5000
F +64 9 366 5001

Tauranga office
Physical address:
145 Seventeenth Ave

Tauranga 3112
New Zealand
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Postal address:
The Kollective

DX BOX HP40007
Tauranga, 3112
New Zealand

T +64 7 927 1234