
Whether you are a creditor pursuing monies owed or you are an individual seeking relief from unmanageable debt, William Buck has the capability to advise and act on your available options.

Individuals seeking relief from personal debt must be cautious when it comes to obtaining advice from purported debt solvers as their short and long term financial woes can be exacerbated when presented with limited or poorly constructed solutions. In addition to acting as bankruptcy trustee, our registered trustees conduct the appointment of all forms of personal insolvency administration including those that can help avoid bankruptcy such as the administration of a Part X Personal Insolvency Agreement plus Section 73 Arrangements put forward by current bankrupts to obtain an annulment.

Creditors and lawyers pursuing debts against individuals choose our registered trustees because of our results driven, commercial approach to investigating, identifying and recovering assets that can be realised for the benefit of stakeholders. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to investigations within the scope of the relevant bankruptcy law and with our innovative mindset we can achieve results where others fail.

Our registered trustees are highly experienced and supported by a team of dedicated practitioners to explore and achieve the best possible outcome in personal insolvency related matters. Utilising William Buck’s extensive skills and resources within Australia and overseas we regularly conduct the administration of small to complex insolvent estates with care and efficiency.

Bankruptcy and personal insolvency Specialists

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