
For the majority of businesses, indirect taxes such as GST, stamp duty and payroll tax represent an admistirative and compliance burden.  Few business owners or finance teams consider the significant drain that indirect taxes can have on their business if managed inefficiently.

Adminstrative and cashflow burdens aside, seemingly negligible errors can have significant consequences on the bottom line when repeated in transactions throughout the year.  It is vitally important to ensure that both the business’ structure and operations are set up effectively to minimise and manage these taxes.

As businesses work across state and national borders, the risk of non-compliance and errors is increased.  As global markets become smaller, business owners and finance teams must have a strong knowledge of federal, state and international indirect tax issues.

In addition to daily compliance concerns, indirect taxes can also raise issues in relation to larger transactions such as mergers and acquisitions and business restuctures.

With significant local and international expertise in the area of indirect taxes, William Buck can help ease the burden that these taxes represent.

We can identify issues specific to your business and provide tailored, practical recommendations.  Our solutions range from providing specialist advice and training to your staff, to reviewing the consequences of larger transactions.

We can also assist with day to day compliance needs, or disputes, appeals and objections by liaising with the Australian Tax office (ATO) and state and territory offices of state revenue on your behalf.

How we can help

  • Goods and Services Tax
  • Payroll Tax
  • Superannuation Guarantee
  • Pay as You Go Withholding
  • Land Tax
  • Stamp Duty
  • Wine Equalisation Tax
  • WorkCover
  • Energy Grants
  • Corporate Governance
  • Research and Development Incentive

Indirect Tax Specialists

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