
“Believing in the work I do, being able to help people achieve and producing results is what I enjoy.”

Sharon Grice

Partner, Tax Services

Sharon’s passion to travel and explore new places and experiences is driven by her inquisitive nature. “My inquisitive side helps me in the way I approach work. I’m always keen to keep learning and look at things from a different perspective.”

Experienced with working in international and local organisations, Sharon is accustomed to working in fast paced and constantly changing environments. Agile, adaptable and ultra-organised, Sharon enjoys motivating and mentoring her team to achieve great results and enable them to achieve and succeed.

With extensive in-house corporate tax and finance experience, Sharon understands commercial rationale, assisting clients to determine a tax solution that best meets their needs, improves process and can deliver significant long-term value. Sharon says, “I enjoy being able to develop collaborative relationships with clients to achieve win-win outcomes. And to be able to cut through the complex tax issues and assist clients to find tax solutions.”

Sharon is passionate about supporting diversity and leads William Buck’s Diversity and Inclusion committee as well as being the founder of our Women in Manufacturing initiative.

Outside of the office, Sharon enjoys travel, yoga and spending time with her family.

The Facts:

Core Expertise

  • Tax issues affecting subsidiaries of large multinational corporations
  • International Tax issues - inbound and outbound
  • Tax compliance and advisory for large businesses
  • Business structuring/restructuring
  • Tax due diligence
  • CbC reporting
  • Tax Governance/ Justified Trust


  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Masters of International Tax


  • Media
  • Manufacturing
  • Family owned businesses

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