
Forensic accounting

No organisation likes to admit vulnerability to fraud, as it can be damaging to their reputation and financial stability. However, modern-day pressures, inherent opportunities, and unfounded rationalisations can result in any organisation being a target of fraudulent activity.

This risk is particularly heightened where there are deficient controls or incentives to override existing controls that may be in place to prevent such occurrences. Ignoring fraud risk leaves organisations exposed to financial losses, legal complications and damaged trust with customers, investors and employees.

William Buck is one of the oldest accounting firms in Australia with over 40 years of experience in WA, preventing and addressing suspicious activity in your business. We’re part of a network of Chartered Accountants and advisors across Australia and New Zealand that has been established since 1895.

We provide fraud and forensic services to protect your organisation from financial misconduct and resolve complex disputes. Our experienced team provide strategic and commercial advice working with businesses, legal teams and regulators to deliver clear, accurate results you can trust.

Book my free one hour consultation

What we can do for you

What we do

  • Review and recommend improvements to internal controls, provide training to encourage a culture of awareness and integrity and utilise technology to detect and mitigate suspicious activity.
  • Investigate financial records to detect and address evidence of fraud, avoidance and discrepancies that may impact your business.

What it entails

  • A combination of risk management, financial accounting, and investigative techniques to assess your situation and if necessary, prepare evidence or insights suitable for court proceedings and regulatory compliance scrutiny.

Why you need it

  • Expose financial irregularities and suspicions of fraud
  • Support litigation
  • Protect reputation
  • Minimise damages

Whether you need help with prevention, detection, or resolution, William Buck is your trusted advisor in safeguarding your organisation and ensuring clarity in challenging situations. Contact us today to protect your business, mitigate risks and gain peace of mind with our expert fraud and forensic services.

Fraud Detection

  • Data analytics
  • Fraud health checks
  • Respond to tip-offs/whistle-blower reports

Fraud Prevention

  • Internal audit services
  • Fraud Risk assessments
  • Probity reviews
  • Training

Fraud Management

  • Independent expert witness testimony
  • Dispute resolution services

Forensic investigation

  • Fraud and misconduct investigations
  • Employee theft
  • Governance reviews
  • Whistleblower investigations
  • Financial analysis
  • Asset misappropriation
  • Contract compliance
  • Third party theft
  • Procurement fraud
  • Family law investigations
  • Bribery and corruption investigations
  • Money laundering investigations
  • Payroll investigations

Contact our team today to find out more

Danai Christelis
Principal, Forensic Accounting

Duy Vo
Partner, Audit & Assurance

Book your free one hour consultation