No organisation likes to admit vulnerability to fraud, as it can be damaging to their reputation and financial stability. However, modern-day pressures, inherent opportunities, and unfounded rationalisations can result in any organisation being a target of fraudulent activity.
This risk is particularly heightened where there are deficient controls or incentives to override existing controls that may be in place to prevent such occurrences. Ignoring fraud risk leaves organisations exposed to financial losses, legal complications and damaged trust with customers, investors and employees.
William Buck is one of the oldest accounting firms in Australia with over 40 years of experience in WA, preventing and addressing suspicious activity in your business. We’re part of a network of Chartered Accountants and advisors across Australia and New Zealand that has been established since 1895.
We provide fraud and forensic services to protect your organisation from financial misconduct and resolve complex disputes. Our experienced team provide strategic and commercial advice working with businesses, legal teams and regulators to deliver clear, accurate results you can trust.