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How can you improve customer experience?
10 April 2018 | Minutes to read: 2

How can you improve customer experience?

By Babis Mavrakis

Quick Tip #2: Create zero-friction by redesigning processes

Without customers, a business would cease to exist.  Therefore, when I ask my clients what makes their business so successful, I am not surprised when the majority tell me it’s because of their exceptional customer service.

In an increasingly complex world afforded by technology, the concept of traditional customer service has changed. As a result, in a lot of cases customer service has deteriorated. However, the fact is, technology presents opportunity to revitalise the way you interact with customers.

Today, it is no longer about the end-result but also about the experience the customer gets along the way. Adapting customer-service in the modern-age means employing simple technological processes to track customer satisfaction end-to-end.

One way to improve the customer experience is through ‘zero friction,’ which basically removes as many obstacles from the interaction between the customer and the provider.

Many industries are currently experiencing this issue and disrupters who come in the market and provide ‘zero friction’ take over. Things that promote zero friction redesign business processes down to moments not hours.

For Nike, it means automating customer support. Since Nike introduced an @NikeSupport Twitter handle that’s solely for responding to customers that need help, their average response time is now half of the industry average. This forum not only allows for customer problems to be addressed quickly, but also allows Nike to learn about problems. Instead of writing a letter, going to a shop or making a call, customers can tweet to @NikeSupport instead.

Other examples include easy payment systems, such as tap and pay; Smart Phone interfaces such as Uber eats and ITunes and cleverly using technology such as Smart links on ads or YouTube videos.

No matter what your business, everyone needs to reengineer themselves to deal with friction along their customer experience. The Bottom-line is, if you remove friction your customers will always choose customer-experience over price.

How can you improve customer experience?

Babis Mavrakis

Babis is a Partner in our Business Advisory division. With a deep understanding and knowledge of business processes, Babis works closely with his diverse client base to identify opportunities, particularly when there are changes in the tax or business landscape. Babis works with a diverse client base including property developers and investors, manufacturers, wholesalers, information technology and health professionals.

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