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Improving the heartbeat of your business
27 February 2019 | Minutes to read: 2

Improving the heartbeat of your business

By Angela Jeffrey

How can you create a healthy heartbeat for the teams that operate in your practice?

The reality is that a healthy heartbeat is at the core of every strong team. As such, effective engagement, collaboration and teamwork will always be the key drivers for ensuring you keep the lifeblood of your business flowing and ultimately, set your practice up for future success.

It all starts with addressing each individual in your business. Make sure you provide them with a clear vision and understanding of their role within the overall team. It’s important they are aware of how their actions contribute to the operation of the practice, and how their motivation supports patients as well as each other.

Often, we focus too much attention on the individual performance and behaviour of employees, without understanding the negative impact a dysfunctional team can have on even the best-intentioned and motivated individual. Equally, a harmonious team can have a positive impact on those who are lacking engagement, experiencing difficult times at home or feel overwhelmed with their workload.

Consequently, creating a team with a common goal and a healthy heartbeat can underpin the ongoing performance and retention of employees in your practice.

Regular team meetings and communication will be the key components for helping you get the best out of your teams. While this may sound simple, taking the time to understand what motivates them, how they best think and learn, and importantly accounting for their personal circumstances, will go a very long way in influencing how they ‘connect’ to your workplace.

Many team leaders will see most of their time consumed with the day-to-day operation of the practice and, often, will have little time to spend on engagement and encouragement at the individual level. However, this can be overcome by making sure that regular communication with everyone remains a key driver in developing and maintaining a cohesive environment.

Keep employees regularly updated on business activities, such as key decisions being made, and the overall vision of the business. Ensure you always encourage two-way dialogue and opportunities to provide feedback, and that you then action their feedback where appropriate. This will help in making employees feel they are being incorporated into the journey of the practice, that their input is meaningful and their voice is being clearly heard.

Team meetings should also include a ‘check in’ opportunity to encourage employees to connect with each other on a personal level. Combine all of this with meaningful and regular performance reviews and feedback, and you’re sure to have yourself a healthy, happy and engaged team.

Want to know more about setting up your practice? Don’t hesitate to speak with a William Buck advisor.

Improving the heartbeat of your business

Angela Jeffrey

Angela is a Partner in our Business Advisory division and specialises in advising small-to-medium sized business across all industries on the most effective tax and business structures to help them achieve maximum results. Angela also works extensively within the medical and dental industries and therefore understands the unique issues faced by practitioners and those with private practice businesses.

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