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William Buck QLD merges with Accounting One
7 July 2019 | Minutes to read: 2

William Buck QLD merges with Accounting One

By William Buck

Left to right: Angela Palmer, Paul Copeland and Kaye Worthington

Our William Buck Queensland team have announced the acquisition of an accounting firm, today.

Accounting One will move into the William Buck Gold Coast office, as they continue to strengthen their local presence as leading advisors to the middle market.

Junaide Latif, Managing Director at William Buck says former partner of Accounting One, Kaye Worthington and four staff members will be joining and consulting in the Business Advisory service line.

“We are excited to announce the acquisition of Accounting One and we’re delighted to have Kaye and her team join our Gold Coast office,” says Junaide.

“This merger cements our distinguished position in the Gold Coast as the only full-service offering in the region, where we continually offer new capabilities to our clients.”

“This is in line with our vision to expand our footprint as leading advisors to the middle market in both Queensland and Australia.”

This is the second merger announcement from William Buck in the past week, with the South Australian team announcing their sixth merger in a decade on July 1.

William Buck have also announced 15 percent growth across the group for year-end June 30 2019.

Junaide says Kaye brings complementary expertise to their medical base.

“Kaye’s expertise compliments our industry specialists in the medical, property and SME segments, and will boost our business advisory service offerings; allowing the firm to grow with logical fit to our strong medical client base.”

“Kaye’s established network will also give us the ability to deepen our relationships, further lifting us within the medical market.”

Kaye Worthington says cultural fit was a key factor in determining suitability of the merger.

“William Buck’s Changing Lives philosophy resonated with the way Accounting One does business,” says Kaye.

“Our philosophies are an intersection of combining specialist skills and bringing out the best in both of our teams – for our people, our clients and the wider community – this has been the driving purpose of the merge,” says Kaye.

“The merger will also allow us to draw on additional resources and expertise of William Buck and will provide us with a more expansive, and supportive service to our clients.”

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