Mark Calvetti, Partner, Corporate Finance
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Email Mark Calvetti
Tel: +61 2 8263 4000
Fax: +61 2 8263 4111

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“You can’t just have the smarts, you need energy, integrity, and communication.

Mark Calvetti

Partner, Corporate Finance

Mark’s commitment to his clients is to “really understand their perspective, and what they want.” Achieving that through open, honest and direct communication, Mark says that what he thrives on is challenge. “In thirty years, no two clients have been the same – and it’s never simple, but it’s always enjoyable.”

With a philosophy that “you have to put the hard yards in to get the results out”, Mark keeps his team motivated, engaged, and involved. For him, “the smarts” are only the beginning of the story – what distinguishes his work, is the attitude and integrity behind it.

Specialising in providing high-quality strategic and commercial advice to business owners and boards, Mark works predominantly with entrepreneurial mid-market companies that are looking to grow.

He advises clients from a broad range of sectors, with a variety of corporate finance work. Working with both private and public companies, Mark assists with acquisitions and disposals, capital restructuring advice (debt and equity), mergers and takeovers, IPOs, valuation and due diligence.

The most satisfying aspect of Mark’s profession is watching his clients implement the advice and strategies that he provides, and then seeing them reach their goals.

The Facts:

Core Expertise

  • Mergers, acquisitions & divestments
  • Strategic advice to Boards & business owners on growth & succession planning
  • Purchase price allocations & impairment reviews
  • Due diligence reviews
  • Independent expert reports to satisfy Corporations Act & ASX listing rules
  • Expert reports for litigation matters & expert evidence in court proceedings
  • Investigating accountant’s reports for capital raisings


  • Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Finance)
  • Master of Arts
  • Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors


  • Retail
  • Food and Beverage
  • Health & Beauty
  • Manufacturing
  • Information Technology

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