More compliance burden for R&D Incentive claimants
10 May 2018 | Minutes to read: 3

More compliance burden for R&D Incentive claimants

By William Buck

Federal Budget papers released by the Australian Government on Tuesday, reveal that R&D tax incentive claimants including SMEs and the start-up sector may be faced with additional compliance burden.

Under the new measures effective July 1 2018, there will be additional funding for enforcement activity allocated to the Tax Office and AusIndustry.

Jack Qi, Director of Tax Services and R&D specialist at William Buck, said whilst at first glance SMEs and start-ups may have been spared the brunt of the tightening of the R&D tax incentive, compliance changes could have the biggest impact.

โ€œGiven that such activity has already ramped up in recent years, any further focus will mean itโ€™s more important than ever to prepare robust R&D claims and quality contemporaneous internal documentation that will withstand scrutiny,โ€ he said.

โ€œFrom a cash flow perspective, we anticipate potential delays in companies receiving their R&D refunds until any review is finalised,โ€ he said.

Qi warned the government against making any more changes to the R&D tax incentive.

โ€œStability of the incentive is key to instilling the confidence of the business sector to make long term decisions on investment in Australian R&D,โ€ Qi said.

โ€œOnce these changes are legislated, we urge the Government to refrain from further tinkering of the R&D tax incentive,โ€ he said.

Dr. Choueiri, Principal and R&D Specialist at William Buck agrees, saying since the introduction of the current R&D Tax Incentive Scheme in the last seven years, there had been a boom in organisations wanting to conduct R&D in Australia.

โ€œNews of the benefits of conducting R&D in Australia is only just starting to trickle across the world and specifically to North America and Asia. Iโ€™ve personally seen an increased level of awareness and interested to conduct R&D Australia from both these regions over the past 18 months alone,โ€ Choueiri said.

โ€œThereโ€™s a real threat that many businesses will go off shore to undertake R&D if measures are tightened further,โ€ she said

โ€œThe manufacturing sector is slowly starting to recover after a massive wave of companies moved manufacturing operations to Asia to cut costs. After discovering their entitlements for the R&D tax incentive, they are slowly moving operations back or setting up new ones in Australia,โ€ she said.

Choueiri welcomed other integrity measures including more effective, binding guidance to be released outlining the scope of eligible R&D activities.

โ€œThis will give more clarity to claimants who need better guidance in understanding what activities are eligible as well as pose less financial risk to their business,โ€ she said.

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Fact sheet | overview of the key changes affecting claimants

For companies with turnover below $20 million, the R&D offset will be a premium of 13.5 percentage points above its corporate tax rate. Currently, such companies receive a flat 43.5% incentive.

The new rules will link the R&D incentive rate with the companyโ€™s tax rate, which, if proposed legislation is passed, could be 30% or 27.5% depending on its characteristics. It is expected the rate will progressively reduce to 25% by 2026.

Accordingly, some companies could see a reduction in the R&D tax incentive from 43.5% to 41% of eligible expenditure.

Also, perversely, this could see some pre-revenue companies receive a lower R&D incentive than a similar company deriving โ€œpassiveโ€ income. We anticipate there will be calls for this anomaly to be addressed before legislation is passed.

Cash refunds from the refundable R&D tax offset will be capped at $4 million p.a. (except clinical trials). Any unrefunded amount will be carried forward as a non-refundable tax offset. Whilst this represents a tightening of the R&D tax incentive, this will not impact on the vast majority of SMEs and tech start-ups.

Enforcement & integrity measures

These measures will include:

  • Greater funding will be allocated to enforcement activity by the Tax Office and AusIndustry
  • More effective, binding guidance will be released outlining the scope of what is โ€œeligible R&Dโ€
  • R&D claimant details will be publicly disclosed, along with the amount of R&D expenditure claimed
  • Anti-avoidance rules in the tax law will be strengthened

Changes affecting large businesses
Currently, companies with an annual turnover of $20 million or more are entitled to a non-refundable tax offset of 38.5% of eligible R&D expenditure.

The proposed measures will introduce an โ€œR&D intensity percentageโ€ to calculate the tax offset as a proportion of the companyโ€™s R&D expenditure to total expenditure.

Depending on the companyโ€™s corporate tax rate, the R&D tax offset is proposed to be:

  • 31.5% or 34% offset if R&D intensity percentage is between 0% and 2%
  • 34% or 36.5% offset if R&D intensity percentage is between 2% and 5%
  • 36.5% or 39% offset if R&D intensity percentage is between 5% and 10%
  • 40% or 42.5% offset if more than 10% of total expenditure relates to R&D

Companies with R&D activities making up a greater portion of their overall business are more likely to benefit from these measures โ€“ this will be good news for some. However, companies with greater capital spend (such as manufacturing) may suffer.

Further, the maximum amount of eligible R&D expenditure that can be claimed under the scheme is proposed to increase from $100 million to $150 million per annum โ€“ this will be welcomed by large claimants.

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