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Your Super SA wealth experts

For many years, Super SA has been the compulsory super fund for most South Australian public sector employees, including teachers and healthcare professionals. New legislation has provided Super SA members, including those in Triple S, with increased choice and flexibility around super, providing substantial tax-saving opportunities.

With significant expertise in Super SA strategies, we specialise in building and protecting the wealth of South Australian Government employees. Navigating the complexities of Super SA regulations can be quite challenging, given each person’s situation is different. Therefore, getting the right financial advice can make all the difference, ensuring your future is not only financially comfortable but also aligned with your personal aspirations, so you keep enjoying the things you love most.

At William Buck, we understand the importance of planning for your tomorrow, and we’re committed to helping you secure a stable financial future.

Book your free consultation with our wealth experts

How we can help

Investment advice and portfolio management

Direct Shares, Managed Funds, Term Deposits, Private Equity

Superannuation contribution / retirement strategies

Self-Managed Super Fund advice

Super SA strategies

Personal risk insurance

Estate Planning

Family Office for high net worth families

Super SA Triple S Superannuation Strategies

Legislation Updates – 1 July 2024

Super SA have announced new caps from 1 July 2024 for those employed in the South Australian public sector.

Previously members of Super SA Triple S were limited to a lifetime cap of $1,705,000, before penalty tax applies thereafter. From 1 July 2024, the cap increased to $1,780,000, effectively allowing members a further $75,000 of room to salary sacrifice.

The tax saving of salary sacrificing to super depends on how much you earn, but as a rough guide it provides on average about a 20% tax saving. Therefore $30,000 contributed to other funds saves about $6,000 but say $100,000 contributed to Super SA saves about $20,000, a significant increase.

We encourage anyone who is eligible to use Super SA to consider whether their financial situation allows them to take advantage of these very generous tax concessions.

How we work

More than just advisors

We’re dedicated to understanding what drives you, ascertaining your vision for financial freedom and being the compass that helps get you there. We pride ourselves on our integrated approach, which sets us apart and positions us as the premier wealth advisory partner in the market. We act not only as expert advisors but as your financial project manager, working to build and protect your wealth for current and future generations.

An integrated approach to achieving the life you want

Operating within a fully integrated firm of financial, tax and business advisors, we are uniquely positioned to manage all your financial affairs.

Your financial advisor acts as your project manager to coordinate a team of specialist wealth management professionals, as needed, to meet your financial and personal goals.

Our expert knowledge, combined with our ability to bring together and lead a well-organised team of wealth advisory professionals ensures that we deliver optimal outcomes efficiently.

Local knowledge and global reach

As a member of the Global Praxity Alliance, the world’s largest and fastest-growing alliance of independent accounting and advisory firms worldwide, we have a global reach and scale that spans over 120 countries. This means we have access to local expertise from all major investment markets, expanding our knowledge and helping us identify new opportunities.

SA Wealth Advisory Specialists


Andrew Barlow
Partner, Wealth Advisory


Andrew Bradley
Principal, Wealth Advisory


Adrian Frinsdorf
Partner, Wealth Advisory


Lee Fuller
Partner, Business Advisory


Danielle Jones
Partner, Wealth Advisory



Tricia Kleinig
Partner, Superannuation


Eben Lok
Principal, Wealth Advisory


Aaron Trombetta
Partner, Wealth Advisory



Janine Williamson
Partner, Wealth Advisory


Book your free, no-obligation consultation

At William Buck, our commitment to our clients is what sets us apart from other private wealth management firms, positioning us as your premier wealth advisory partners. Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation consultation. There’s no hard sell – our services speak for themselves. We’ll take the time to understand your situation and talk you through what we can do to assist you.

Book your free, no-obligation consultation

At William Buck, our commitment to our clients is what sets us apart from other private wealth management firms, positioning us as your premier wealth advisory partners. Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation consultation. There’s no hard sell – our services speak for themselves. We’ll take the time to understand your situation and talk you through what we can do to assist you.

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Disclaimer: William Buck Wealth Advisors are one of South Australia’s largest locally owned wealth advisory practices and can provide advice on a wide range of investments and strategies. They are the financial planning arm of the reputable accounting firm William Buck, providing trusted wealth advice to South Australians for over 30 years (AFSL 230637, Australian Credit Licence 230637).